

26, Female

Palmeira Ribeira,  A Coruña,  Spain  

The people in my life often describe me as rather shy and quiet when they first meet me, but when I get comfortable I can be quite silly. Fortunately that first part only happens in person, I can't be shy if I can't see your face and I don't really see how you can be quiet in a letter. In my free time I usually watch a film or some TV show and then obsess about it for about 3 weeks, but once every two months or so I like to dabble in watercolour painting or charcoal drawing. Thanks to being that consistent, I can tell you that my skills have improved very little.
About Me
LanguagesEnglish (Fluent)
Spanish (Fluent)
French (Beginner)
Looking forE-Pal (Email or Internet)
Postcard Pal
Snail Mail Pal (Postal penpal)
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