

56, Female

Haaksbergen,  Overijssel,  Netherlands  

Where to start, I enjoy life and have a lot of interests but only a few passions. Some are horses, reading, crochet, dogs,outdoors, goodness that actually sounds really boring but I don't think I am biring at all. I grew up, went to school and lived in different countries. My day-to-day activities at the moment, wake-up, feed the chickens, check the bees, walk the dog, start work, have a laugh, forget about lunch, work and laugh some more, think what to cook for supper etc. oh forgot to add, wave off my loving husband.
About Me
Religion-Prefer not to say-
LanguagesEnglish (Fluent)
Italian (Fluent)
Dutch (Fluent)
French (Advanced)
Looking forSnail Mail Pal (Postal penpal)
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