

35, Female

Cheraw,  South Carolina,  United States of America  

Most of my time is spent caring for my family, working around the farm, volunteering with my church, or going to school. Unfortunately, I do not have a lot of free time to spend on hobbies that I used to love. My interests are many and eclectic. From manga and anime to science, art, handicrafts, cooking, hiking, and photography. My brother and I play tabletop RPGs and board games when he visits, though that is not often. My personality tends towards introversion, though I am not shy. I am direct. I have been told by some that I have no humor at all and by others that I am hilarious.
About Me
BornUnited States of America
LanguagesEnglish (Fluent)
Spanish (Beginner)
Korean (Beginner)
Looking forE-Pal (Email or Internet)
Language Learning
Mail art (Aesthetic) Pal
Pocket Letter Pal
Snail Mail Pal (Postal penpal)
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