

17, Female

Edmonton,  Alberta,  Canada  

Hi! I'm from Canada and I just started to learn French so I was hoping to find someone who speaks it well who I could pracetice on and he or she could give me tips. If you want to learn Enlgish I can also give you tips. I also don't have very many friends where I am from so it would be great to make some. I love, singing, making music, writing, Jesus,baking, dancing,and overall just having a good time. I'll talk about almost anything.
About Me
LanguagesEnglish (Fluent)
French (Minimal)
Japanese (Minimal)
Looking forE-Pal (Email or Internet)
Language Learning
Mail art (Aesthetic) Pal
Parcel Exchange
Postcard Pal
Snail Mail Pal (Postal penpal)
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