

22, Female

Tainan,  Taiwan (R.O.C)  

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Hey there!I’m Xin Dee, a Malaysian currently exploring life in Taiwan. When I’m not hitting the keys on my piano or diving into a new movie, you’ll probably find me delving into the land of imagination. I have a soft spot for nature and love spending my days soaking up the great outdoors.Right now, I’m dipping my toes into the world of Spanish, so if you’ve got any tips or just want to chat in Español, I’m all ears! I’m on the lookout for someone cool to connect with, swap stories, and maybe even share a few laughs.
About Me
LanguagesEnglish (Fluent)
Malay (Advanced)
Mandarin (Fluent)
Spanish (Beginner)
Looking forE-Pal (Email or Internet)
Language Learning
Parcel Exchange
Postcard Pal
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