

16, Female

Kiskunlachaza,  Pest,  Hungary  

I'm Jázmin, but most english speakers call me Jay. I love seeing the bright side of things and getting to know new people. I love learning about different cultures, traditions and religions and very proud of my own. I'd love to help out anyone that's looking to better their english skills or is intrested in learning hungarian. My dream is to be a tattoo artist one day. I'm a fan of Avatar the Last Airbender, I also like other cartoons and greek mythology. Lots of love!! <3
About Me
Religion-Prefer not to say-
LanguagesHungarian (Fluent)
English (Fluent)
Looking forCandy Swap
Pocket Letter Pal
Postcard Pal
Snail Mail Pal (Postal penpal)
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