HELLO FELLAS!! my name is ace, if yk abt typology i'm intj sp783 VLFE. I'm an art student, i love reading (murakami, pjo, cherry crush), my fav shows are evangelion, bojack, nana, vanitas, devilmancb, bsd. play hsr,pjsk,enstars,dmmd,. i FW VKEI and the beatles,radiohead, gorillaz, smashing pumpkins, MSI,linkin park and enjoy different genres: jazz, classical,reggae, metal.. ilove cooking (honestly i bake heavenly),climbing, gym and cosplaying!! I FW CATS and IFCKING LOVE THE SUN AND GRASS EUGH !! I'm cool pretty please TEXT ME CAUSE I'M SHY once we start chatting I'm cheerful i swear