

48, Male

Dusseldorf,  Germany  

I am single, I am full time employed in the IT sector, I have a variety of hobbies, I can play guitar and bass. I am an outdoor and sporty person.I am not a German language speaker, I am just living in Germany for work. I am not good in meeting people, and I haven't even time at the moment, so I thought I joined a site like this and see if I can find a suitable person for talking and see how it goes. I like to write so maybe this is the right place for me, hopefully.I have traveled a lot in my life, mostly for work, but also for holiday, and I want to continue to do in future.
About Me
BornUnited Kingdom
LanguagesEnglish (Fluent)
Looking forCandy Swap
E-Pal (Email or Internet)
Language Learning
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