
Gary Q

17, Male

Nanjing,  Jiangsu,  China  

I view myself as a shy and silent man when first meeting, but maybe I am a wild and outgoing child indeed if we are familiar with each other later. Believing in Buddhism,I devote myself to studying about philosophy and religion, but I am willing to learn and investigate about other religions nevertheless. Furthermore, my hobbies are various, such as drawing, reading, traveling and so on, and I spend much of my free time on them, thus boosting the quality of life and making it full of pleasure. In addition, when absorbed in writing poems and articles, I always forget about eating or sleeping.
About Me
LanguagesEnglish (Advanced)
Cantonese (Fluent)
Looking forCandy Swap
E-Pal (Email or Internet)
Language Learning
Mail art (Aesthetic) Pal
Parcel Exchange
Pocket Letter Pal
Postcard Pal
Snail Mail Pal (Postal penpal)
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