

24, Female

Burnaby,  British Columbia,  Canada  

I'm a huge introvert. I saw this video of this guy about to leave but he heard someone coming down the hallway so he went back to his unit. I can confirm I most definitely do that I'm also a night owl. It's not healthy I know, but it just feels more freeing. I'm obsessed with the 80s, especially with 80s music. I like creating but to be honest, I spend more time curating posts of creative things/projects I'm into instead of making. But I'm kind of changing that. I'm currently volunteering at this ceramic shop and it's been really fun. A recent hobby I'm into is collecting toy capsules.
About Me
LanguagesEnglish (Fluent)
Vietnamese (Intermediate)
Looking forCandy Swap
E-Pal (Email or Internet)
Language Learning
Mail art (Aesthetic) Pal
Parcel Exchange
Pocket Letter Pal
Postcard Pal
Snail Mail Pal (Postal penpal)
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