

16, Female

Cerkno,  Slovenija,  Slovenia  

I love my friend and family but i love myself eaven more. I am not too popular but i am a litle crazy from time to time. I love sports[i train atletics and swimming]. I am friendli but not too confident around people that i don't know. I love my pet. We have a farm at home and i love spending time outside in nature. Iam iterested in nature and science. My favourite us biologi and i like thinking about space. I like 80s and 90s music[abba].
About Me
Religion-Prefer not to say-
LanguagesSlovenian (Fluent)
English (Fluent)
Croatian (Minimal)
German (Minimal)
Looking forPocket Letter Pal
Postcard Pal
Snail Mail Pal (Postal penpal)
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