

18, Female

Hölö,  Sweden  

I’m not the most social person you will ever find but I'm a pretty good texter if I do say so myself (besides the spelling ofc). I go to school and have a pretty avrege (boring) life but me personaly is'nt as boring as my curent way of life. Thats also one of the main resosns why im here, to spice up my life a bit. I can talk about anything really, im always happy to learn something new and if i dont know what were talking about ill just make things up (and then you could tell me that im wrong and educate me).
About Me
Status-Prefer not to say-
LanguagesSwedish (Fluent)
English (Fluent)
French (Beginner)
German (Minimal)
Looking forCandy Swap
E-Pal (Email or Internet)
Language Learning
Mail art (Aesthetic) Pal
Parcel Exchange
Pocket Letter Pal
Postcard Pal
Snail Mail Pal (Postal penpal)
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